On the Flickering Behaviour of FO Aqr in the Presence of Thermal Bremsstrahlung

The results of our Japanese HEASARC data reduction from Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable (mCV) FO Aqr is clearly reported in this paper. On June 5, 2009, the Suzaku team used the Suzaku satellite to observe FO Aqr for 33.4 ks with an observation ID of (404032010). Three Gaussian lines were detected via Thermal Bremsstrahlung technique which represented iron lines in our system's spectrum modeling. The equivalent width and neutral or low-ionized continuum flux at the 6.40 keV, He-like (6.71 keV), and H-like (7.01 keV) iron lines were resolved by comparing data analysis of the source using XSPEC versions 14.5 and 12.7. The absorbing hydrogen column density at complete and incomplete covering are clearly identified. The bremsstrahlung cooling caused by hard X rays produced Fe Kα lines in the target (FO Aqr) at its shock front. We deduced that the source is flickering through the variability in its spectral parameters though the light curve shows no signs of a flare.

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